CGC January 1951

January 3, 1951

Our new President, Mrs. Earl Buckey, had charge of the Garden Club meeting at the home of Mrs. Dowell on January 3rd.

Mrs. Buckey announced her committees for the year as follows:

Programs–Mrs. Dowell

Membership–Mrs. Spoerlein

Flower Tour– Mrs. Edwin Englar

Flower Show–Mrs. Hoffman

Publicity–Mrs. Howard West

Historian–Mrs. Edgar Barnes

Scrap Book– Mrs. Walter Bowers

Finances–Mrs. Preston Myers

Flower Arrangements– Mrs. Harry Haines

Each group is to be responsible for a scrapbook and have them ready for exhibition at the Flower Show. The New Windsor Group is to have theirs started for the February meeting.

The President asked each member to bring at least two flower arrangements sometime during the year.  In the winter, dried or artificial material could be used. Summer, our own garden material can be used.

**There was a discussion of the possibility of joining the Federated Clubs.**

The Uniontown Group had as their speaker Mr. John Donofrio of Carroll Gardens who gave us a most interesting and informative talk on Herbs.

The President asked each member to have some helpful suggestions for Roll Call. Subject for February–Seed Selection.

February is the month for paying dues.

The next meeting will be at Mrs. Herbert Snyder’s.

Delicious refreshments were served.


Mrs. Charles Hesson, Secretary





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