CGC January 1938

The first meeting of the Carroll Garden Club for 1938 was with Mrs. Earl Buckey and was opened by singing This is My Father’s World.

Roll Call and reading of Minutes was next in order.

Under business, the treasurer, Mrs. Hesson, gave her report.

Committees in the year were then appointed as follows:

  • Program: Mrs. Harry Fogle, Mrs. Charles Hesson, Miss Anna Wolfe
  • Membership: Mrs. J.E. Barnes, Mrs. Preston Myers, Miss Mildred Zumbrum
  • Garden Pilgrimage: Mrs. Myers Englar, Mrs. Alfred Zollickhoffer,Miss Bessie Wolfe
  • Speakers: Mrs. James Snyder, Mrs. G.S. La Forge, Mrs. Hesson
  • Flower Show: Miss Marie Senseny, Mr.s La Forge,Mrs. McKinstry, Mrs. David Snader,Miss Dorothy Zumbrum, Mrs. Earl Buckey, Miss Sarah Wolfe, Miss Mariana Snader, Miss Edna Fuss, Mrs. Edgar Myers

Mrs. Earl Buckey prepared the program as follows:

Christmas Tree Economy  by Mrs. Myers Englar shows how the Christmas Tree may be made useful instead of relegating it to the brush heap. In one locality, the Boy Scouts chopped them for firewood for poor families. Needles are used for stuffing pillows, for mulching plants and as a substitute for sand for children to play in.

Mrs. Fogle read an article by Horace McFarland in which he made these suggestions:

  • Do not remove faded bloom from the roses  as the maturing seeds are beautiful in color and striking in form making the bush beautiful in winter.
  • The leaves having blackspot should be burned that the spores of disease are not carried to next year’s leaves

Mrs. Preston Myers described Gene Stratton Porter’s  home, Limberlost Cabin. When she found the swamps near her were to be reclaimed, she gathered all the species of wild flowers and planted them over her 40 acres.

Mrs. La Forge read an article pleading for the protection of our great trees that take so many years to mature and are so ruthlessly destroyed by lumbermen and would be saved by letting our congressmen know our thought when the forestry bills come up in Congress.

The meeting adjourned to meet with the Misses Wolfe in February.

The hostess then served delicious refreshments.

The Club was very pleased to have our new members with us: Mrs. Edgar Myers, Mrs. J.W. Speicher and Mrs. Earl Shriner.


President Mrs. L.E. Stauffer

Sec. Anna Wolfe

One of the popular books by Stratton. In another novel, The Harvester, she describes the flora of the Limberlost area in Indiana.


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