CGC January 1937

Mrs. Charles Hesson, in her cordial manner, entertained the Carroll Garden Club at its first meeting in the new year 1937.

Mrs. Zollickhoffer read a poem, a 1937 prophetess suggesting a happy new year for all if each day is well spent.

After roll call and reading of the minutes, dues were collected and the treasurer gave the financial report.

The Club voted to send a pine tree to our new baby, Mrs. Paul Reese’s little daughter.

The secretary read a letter from the Massachusetts Horticultural Society soliciting subscription to their publication. After discussion of different garden magazines, it was decided to lay the matter on the table at present.

The president, Mrs. Myers Englar, appointed the following committees:


  • Mrs. Earl Buckey
  • Mrs. L.E. Stouffer
  • Mrs. Alfred Zollickhoffer
  • Mrs. Dorothy Zumbrum


  • Mrs. J.E. Barnes
  • Mrs. Harry Fogle
  • Miss Marie Senseny


  • Mrs. David Snader


  • Mrs. Preston Myers

Miss Marie Senseny gave “Why Not A Hobby Garden?” which suggested that every one even with only a small plot of ground could have flowers and get much pleasure in planning an watching their garden grow.

Mrs. J.E. Barnes read “Beauty From Common Place Materials” showing that decorative effects can be gotten from materials found in orchards, fields and roadsides, using for containers things that have been cast aside: a Dutch oven painted black, copper dippers, jugs when properly placed as to the background, light and shadow give a pleasing effect.

Mrs. William McKinstry gave us “A Garden Almanac for January” finding us looking after bulbs stored in cellar, planting the ones to bloom inside. Study the deed catalogs; plan the garden.

Mrs. Harry Fogle read a very entertaining paper which had originally been written for the “Garden School” sponsored by Homemakers’s Club describing some of the more desirable plants and treatment of same including watering, ventilation and light.

In the recreation period, the hostess gave a riddle, asking questions the answer to which was some part of a watch.

After enjoyment of delicious refreshments served by the hostess, the club adjourned to meet at the home of Mrs. Harry Fogle in February.


President, Mrs. Myers Englar

Secretary Miss Anna Wolfe



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