CGC January 1936

The Carroll Garden Club met at the house of Mrs. E.A. Meredith on January 8th. The meeting was held a week late due to New Year’s Day being the first Wednesday.

The poem “Trees” was  used to call the club to order.  The Roll was answered and the Minutes read and approved. It being the first meeting of the new year the Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.

Old Business was taken up. A report was given by the Committee on Bylaws. The new Bylaws were read and voted upon. All were accepted by the Club. Mrs. Buckey was chairman of this committee. Mrs. Buckey also read a letter referring to subscriptions to the House and Garden Magazine.  This matter was laid on the table until the February meeting. The president also suggested we keep in mind plans for a flower show on a small scale later in the year.

Miss Annie Wolfe gave us very interesting garden facts for the month.

The topic of the month was “Cedars and Pines“, Mrs. L.E. Stauffer giving us the legend pertaining to the theme. Mrs. Earl Buckey gave a very good paper on Cedars and Pines.

Mrs. Meredith read for us highlights on the topic “Washington the Evergreen State” found in the National Geographic Magazine using the pictures for illustration.

A small pine tree was placed on the table on which was tied Balsam bags which had been made by the president. One was given to each member and they were greatly appreciated by all.

Mrs. Buckey displayed a very novel sachet being made of an orange studded with spices and tied in cellophane and ribbon to be hung among your clothing to give them a pleasing odor.

The table display for the month was in charge of Mrs. David Snader. The display was most novel, Mrs. Snader having gathered common weeds dipped in starch and rolled them in artificial snow. These were used with pine and placed in a crystal bowl. This made a beautiful display.

After refreshments were served, the Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Earl Shriner in February at the regular time.

Mrs, Charles Hesson, Sect.

Mrs Harry Fogel, President


How to make a balsam pillow

Did your mom show you how to make these when you were a kid? –An orange pomander for the closet.

Orange Pomander by Nicki Fernandez

Orange Pomander by Nicki Fernandez



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