CGC History: March 1961

Thirty members of the Carroll Garden Club assembled in the Club Room in the lovely home of Mrs. Howell Sturdivant for the March meeting.  Mrs. Hollinger called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m. and asked for the reading of the Minutes of the February meeting and Treasurer’s Report, both of which were approved.

A letter from Colonial Jewelry Co. was read expressing appreciation for participation in the Valentine Table Setting Contest and requesting suggestions that might prove helpful in the event shows are held in the future.

Mr. Earl Shipley asked for an expression from the club on the Sear’s Contest. After some discussion, Mrs. Keppel moved that we do not participate. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Shirley and approved.

Mrs. Phillipy, Bird Chairman, announced entries for the statewide contest. Winners will be announced at the annual meeting.

Our President expressed appreciation to the By Laws Committee, whose job has just been completed.

At the Executive Committee Meeting, just preceding this meeting, a recommendation was made by Mrs. Fitz that we have 20 niches, 32 inches high made to be the property of the Carroll Garden Club at a cost of from $2.50 to $3.00. Mrs. Peck moved, seconded by Mrs. Allender; motion was unanimously approved. Mrs. Fitz and Mrs. Talley chairman and co-chair of the June show are in charge of this.

Pres. Hollinger appointed Mrs. Talley, chairman of the Nominating Committee with Mrs. Charles Shutter and Mrs. Paul Hurt serving on the committee.

Mrs, Billingslea reported that he has talked with Mr. Billingslea about the debris on the lawn at the Historical House and that whoever it been given to would remove it from the premises.

A slip of paper on which coming events had been recorded was given to each member. Too late to be included therein was notice of the Embassy Tour, which was announced.

Mrs. Allender again promoted the Cruise Tour: $10.00. Get your tickets early!

Mrs. Talley gave a delightful recount of her attendance with Mrs. Feeser at a Garden Club Meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

The May program takes the form of a workshop at the residence of Mrs. Phillipy. Those members desiring practice will meet at 10 a.m.; regular meeting at the usual hour.

Mrs, Sebastian introduced Mrs. Koble who gave a most interesting and challenging report on gathering and growing wild flowers and the therapeutic value of such an endeavor. This was followed by the showing of slides of wildflowers by our President and narrated by Mrs. Fitz.

The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.


Genvieve Cash, Recording Secretary


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