CGC History Book 2011-2012

This is the first attempt to scan one of our many Historian books onto our website. I think this will be an improvement over having them mouldering away in boxes. For new members: these books are compiled by the club Historians over the years and contain photos, newspaper clippings, awards and copies of your Yearbooks.  I hope you will enjoy revisiting our past and seeing familiar faces and those no longer with us.

**Temporary Note: The  hotlink below is an attempt to use a single (pdf) file of the scanned book pages that were initially 70 individual (jpg) images. It opens a new blog page with just the hot link. Clicking again opens a new window with the Book. (In my case, it launches with Preview on my Mac OSX.)

If you have any problems, please let me know and I will change back to the usual Gallery style for this.**




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