CGC: February 1941

Editor’s note: We have many books of Minutes from the past and the goal is to try to get one per week on this club blog. Instead of skipping around, we are concentrating on one notebook which covers the years 1935 to 1951 and taking the notes from the same month as that of our current posting.

The February meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Hesson. The meeting was opened by reading in unison the poem of the month, After the roll Call, the minutes were read and approved.

It was decided that the social secretary write Mrs. Barnes a note of regret of her withdrawal from the club.

A note of withdrawal from Mrs. Harry Fogle was read and accepted.

It was decided to buy the book “Myths and Legends of Flowers, Trees, Fruits and Plants” by Charles Spinner. After using it this year, it will be given to the President for her library. Each member was assessed 15¢ for the book.


Florida and the Orange Blossom; Colleges and Institutions–Mrs. D.M. Englar

Legend–Mrs. Herbert Snyder

History of Florida–Mrs. Preston Myers

Highlights of State–Mrs. Alfred Zollickhoffer

Pageantry–Mrs. Charles Hesson

A Historical Note–Mrs. Messler

The Orange Blossom–Mrs. J.W. Speicher

Trees, Climate and Weather–Miss Marie Senseny

A note about the wishing well closed the program after which the hostess served delicious refreshments.


H. Speicher, Secretary


We are so immersed in the 1620’s story of the landing of Pilgrims on Plymouth Rock that we forget that Spain was in Florida practically a hundred years earlier with the arrival of De Soto in Tampa Bay 1539.

Here is one extent of Spanish influence in the area as shown on this 1594 map.

Map 1594 of certain Spanish areas in the New World


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