CGC December Meeting 2017

We met at the Union Bridge Community Center on December 6th. There is usually a big to-do for certain months and given the Christmas theme, this was no exception.Our hostesses outdid themselves with a nutcracker theme which decorated every table with multiple groups of figurines.  Apparently Audrey’s (?) husband is a great collector of same. There was some incredible cookie artistry too. I had repeated calls to take a picture of this or that!

Take a look at the work that went into making these:

A gingerbread castle!

Incredible cookies! This has to take patience!


We had our greens workshop in place of a program with Diane Brown giving a demo on swag making to a few attendees and our guest, Vicki. We did not have as many people staying to work on greens designs this year. However, we did bring in plenty of cut conifers and unusual berried or leafy items to share.

Diane was presenting swag making at the Carroll Public Library the next day and we wanted to make certain she had plenty to work with. She reported that a room full of ladies was delighted to learn how to construct swags and were most enthusiastic about the program. More to come!

Lura and Larkin sorting through their stash

Lots of swag making!

I was going for a sort of rustic pave-like effect with this dwarf Alberta Spruce and some nandina. The candles would of course have to be set MUCH higher to avoid a fiery combustion! Here is our Carmen with her creation using holly and ivy. Isn’t there a song about that somewhere??

Carroll Garden Club takes a holiday over the month of January. We will reconvene at the Union Bridge Community Center on the first Wednesday of February.




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