CGC December 1949

Minutes for December Meeting 1949

The McKinstry Mills members were hostesses to the Carroll Garden Club for the December meeting at the home of Mrs. William McKinstry. Mrs. McKinstry had her home decorated for the Christmas season which put everyone in the Yuletide spirit.

As each guest arrived they were given a corsage made of pine and heather.

The meeting opened by the group singing “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”. Each member responded  to roll call by giving suggestions for Christmas decorations.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The Membership Committee submitted the names of two persons to be asked to join the Club. The Secretary was instructed to send invitations to these persons to become members and attend the next meeting.

Afterwards the business meeting was turned over to Mrs. McKinstry, program chairman for the meeting.

Since the corsages were made of pine and heather, Mrs. James Snyder gave some interesting facts about heather.

The Christmas Season is never complete without reading or hearing Dickens’ Christmas Carol. Excerpts of this masterpiece were given as recorded by Lionel Barrymore.

Miss Jane Englar sang several solos appropriate for the Christmas Season.

Mrs. Neida Sullivan entertained the group with a humorous reading entitled “On Being Clinicked”.

Mrs. Charles Hesson and Miss Marianna Snader closed the program by playing two piano duets.

After the adjournment of the meeting, delicious refreshments were served.

Respectfully submitted,

Miriam S. West, Secretary

Anna Spoerline President


Note: Erica caniculata is called also “Christmas Bells Heather” and is often sold as an evergreen holiday plant of white or pink blooms. The growing comfort zones are 9-10, so it is only suitable as an indoor plant here. It must be kept consistently moist (no drying out between waterings) in acid soil-pH 5.6–6.5 in the sunniest spot indoors. They *can* grow 3-6 feet tall if nurtured in good conditions.

Erica canaliculata by KENPEI

Erica canaliculata



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