CGC December 1948

Minutes for December 1, 1948

The December meeting of the Carroll Carden Club was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Fogle and Mrs. Howard West with members of the Uniontown group as hostesses, There were 16 members and 4 visitors present, As each member and guest arrived they were given a booklet of Christmas carols and hymns as a gift from the president Mrs. Speicher.

The meeting was called to order by the President Mrs. Speicher reading a poem pertaining to the Christmas season. As the roll was called members responded with suggestions and thoughts for Christmas.


The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The report of the nominating committee was given and accepted with the following officers serving for the coming two years:

 Pres.– Mrs Randall Goerline

 Vice Pres.– Mrs Earl Buckey

  Secretary– Mrs Howard West

Treasurer –Miss Edna Fuss

In the absence of the treasurer, Miss Mildred Zumbrum, the new treasurer, collected the annual dues which amounted to $48.50.

It was decided to hold the meetings for 1949 as follows*:

Spring meeting–New WIndsor–at the home of Mrs. Spoerline

Summer–Union Bridge–home to be decided upon

Fall–Uniontown–home to be decided upon

Winter–McKinstry Mills–home to be decided upon

There being no other business, Mrs. Speicher, chairman of the program committee, asked all members and guests to stand and sing two stanzas of The First Noel after which she introduced the speaker for the afternoon–Reverend Elwood Moreland. Reverend Moreland Spoke on Christmas customs, stressing the Christmas tree and the carol. He told when these customs were started and how they have come down through the years and the importance they play in our celebration of Christmas.

Since Christmas is the time for the singing of carols, the group sang Silent Night and O Little Town of Bethlehem.

Mrs. Zollickhoffer and Mrs. Myers Englar very ably and attractively wrapped a number of packages for Christmas. Mrs. Zollickoffer told how each package had been wrapped and some of the things that were done to make it so attractive. There were packages wrapped for children, boys, general giving and ones to hang on the tree.

Mrs. Howard West had charge of the recreation which was the wrapping of packages by each two persons present. Mrs. Spoerline and Mrs. Griffith won the prize.

Then Carol Bingo was played. Mrs. Spoerline with the assistance of Mrs. Barnes sang the bingo–God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.

The meeting closed with the singing of Hark the Herald Angels Sing.

Tea was served in the dining room which was decorated in keeping with the Christmas season. Mrs. Speicher poured.

Respectfully submitted,

Miriam F. West, Sect.

Anna Spoerline, Pres.


*Note: Starting in 1943,  regular monthly meetings began to be more sporadic due to effects  of the war situation. In  1946, they passed a motion that the garden club would meet only quarterly.  


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