CGC: December 1946

The December meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. Earle Buckey. The meeting was opened with a poem. Response to roll call was a “pet idea carried out at Christmas”.

After the reading of the minutes, dues for the coming year were paid.

The Uniontown Group had charge of the program which was opened by singing Christmas Carols.

Mrs. Edgar Myers read a lovely story–The Rebirth of Christmas– telling how the first Christmas Carols came to be written.

Mrs. Edgar Barnes gave The Legend of the Poinsettia.

The Legend of the Fir Tree was read by Mrs. Preston Myers.

The closing story was of The Christmas Rose, given by Mrs. Harry Fogle.

Each member had brought to the club a Christmas decoration display. At the close of the meeting, they were judged by all present.  Mrs. Harry Fogle won first place  on her arrangement of Christmas balls, candles and pine. Mrs. Charles Hesson, second place with an arrangement of pine with brass candlesticks and tray as a background.

A committee membership composed of Mrs. Myers Eglar, Mrs. Edwin Englar and Mrs. Preston Myers was appointed to submit new names of prospective members for our club at the next meeting.

We adjourned to meet with Mrs. Harry Fogle in April, the Union Bridge Group to be in charge of the program.


Elizabeth Myers, Pro Tem.


Here is a link:   Legend and History of Poinsettias

And another: Legends of the First Christmas Tree


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