CGC August 2021 Garden Tour

In August members of Carroll Garden Club, gathered at the home of Tom and Kim Stenley in late afternoon to have an updated tour of what can accurately be called an home arboretum. We last visited 5 years ago in July, so were interested to see what had changed. Tom is a fancier of trees and he has profusely planted his acreage with many species of trees and shrubs. Also, he’d rather have those than a lot of lawn to mow.

In August, many of the flowering plants are past their peak, so we did not expect to see much in the way of perennials. However, there were annuals providing color in an area which had been under construction  years earlier and was now beds enclosed by low hedging and hardscaping.

The group followed Tom around the property inundating him with questions and queries like “What kind of tree is this?”  Of course, most gardeners *love* to do plant talks and tours so he likely did not mind at all.

We also had several additions to the tour group: husbands, a sister and guests.



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