CGC August 1951


The Carroll Garden Club held their August meeting on the third Wednesday instead of the regular date the the home of the President, Mrs. Buckey.

The meeting was opened in regular form and the afternoon was taken up by the discussion of our flower show for September.


The Chairmen for the Show, Mrs. Hoffman appointed her committees as follows:

Judges– Mrs. Buckey and Dowell

Publicity– Mrs Myers,  Haines and RIchardson

Schedule– Mrs. Morrow, Bowers, Myers-Englar, H .Englar  Speicher, West and Mildred Zumbrum

Entries– Mrs. Turner and Barnes

Refreshments– Mrs Zollickhoffer, Seigman, McKinstry, Fuss, Dorothy Zumbrum

Arrangements–Mrs. Spoerlein, Englar, Hesson


Mrs. Edwin Englar was appointed by the Finance Committee as Chairman of the sale of plants and vases which are to be on sale at the show.

Our date was selected for September 19th at New Windsor Presbyterian Church basement.

Mrs. Harriet Smith from the Frederick Club was the speaker for the afternoon and gave us suggestions for flower shows. The President of the Quantico Garden Club was present and told of some of the vining arrangements at their recent show.

Leaflets of the Frederick Flower Show were passed around and members and Mrs. Spoerline and Mrs. Richardson were to send entries– Mrs. Spoerlein as the Chairman of the Flower ??

Misses Zumbrum and Mrs. Richardson for the miniature roses…

It was decided that the flower show would take the place of the regular September meeting.

We were invited to the dining room where delicious refreshments were served with Mrs. Myers Englar presiding at the tea table.


Mrs. Charles Hesson, Secretary





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