CGC August 1950

The August meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held on the beautiful lawn at the home of Miss Edna Fuss with the McKinstry Mills members as hostesses.

As the guests and members gathered on the lawn, we were privileged to witness a lovely sunset. Mrs. Spoerline suggested that we sing “Love is a Sweet Old Song” as the opening for our meeting. This was followed by roll call to which 16 members responded. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The business portion of the meeting pertained to the Flower Show which is to be held this fall.

Mrs. Spoerline appointed the following committees for the show.

Arrangement Committee

Mrs. Edwin Englar-Chairman

Mrs. Charles Hesson–Mrs. Walter Speicher– Mrs Myers Englar–Mrs. WIlliam Hoffman–Mrs. Edwin Dowell

Committee for Judges

Mrs. Harry Fogle– Mrs Earle Buckey

Publicity Committee

Mrs. Edgar Barnes–Mrs Howard West

Schedule Committee

Mrs. Herbert Englar–Chairman

Mrs. Preston Myers–Miss Dorothy Zumbrum

Miss Mildred Zumbrum– Mrs. Herbert Snyer

Refreshment Committee

Mrs. Edwin Seigman

Miss Edna Fiess

Mrs Edgar Myers

Miss Doris Pitt sang two very beautiful selections entitled “Lilacs” and “One Fine Day”. She was accompanied by Miss Edna Fuss.

The main feature of the evening was a white elephant sale. This was enjoyed by all the members. The auctioneer, Mrs. Charles Roop, did an able job of getting good prices for the articles brought for sale. Approximately $15.00 was realized.

At the close of the meeting the guests and members were invited to the house where delicious refreshments were served. Miss Evelyn Fuss presided at the punch bowl.

Respectfully submitted

Miriam F. West, Sec.

Anna Spoerline, President



Lilacs (Rachmaninoff Op. 21 Number 5 Beketova)

Piano version


Come tomorrow, at dawn,

Across the dewy lawn,

I shall breathe in morning’s freshness;

And in the shade’s perfume,

Where the crowding lilacs bloom,


For in this life one joy alone

Would the fates but let me own,

And my joy finds life within that lilac bower;

Among their verdant branches,

Mid fragrant petaled bunches

Goes my poor luck there, to flower …

I shall seek my happiness …


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