We met at Union Bridge for the April 2016 meeting and had a good turnout.
Our hostesses were Sue, Denise, Larken and special guest Sarah Christensen, Sue’s brand new daughter-in-law who assisted in the kitchen and took some of the photos here. We had soup, biscuits, tea sandwiches, seafood salad, jello salad, cakes and cookies. (The recipes used will be on the next blog post.)
- Luncheon
- Dessert table
Larkin gathered armloads of pussy willows and bright forsythia from her yard and Denise made the flower arrangements. Larkin was our gift bearing Easter Bunny–just because…
Our horticulture theme was WHITE, so members brought in tree and shrub cuttings, bulbs and perennials with white or cream blooms. The Hort table looked spectacular! After looking over the vast selection, we agreed that Julia’s white quince that was displayed so charmingly in a clear, unusually shaped glass container was most enjoyed.
- Lilies, spirea, daffodils and more
- Check out Jan’s Ranunculus
- Quince wins!
Joan Epler was our featured speaker who gave a talk on growing roses which is her particular hobby–obsession! She held our rapt attention as she went logically though how to categorize, select, plant and care for roses, and admirably answered all questions. I think we may have added some new roses to our gardens as a result…
- Joan Epler gives the talk
- Her subject…
A few attendees at the meeting (taken early)… 1. Gayle, Joan, Nancy H, Barb C., Becky, Audrey, Wilma, Pat L. and back of Marjorie. 2. Larkin, Brenda, Diane, Gayle and seated Jackie, back of Joan M. and newest member Barbara Burke.
- Don’t leave any candy!
- Hello Larkin-Bunny…
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