CGC April 2022 Meeting

We met in April at Union Bridge. A lovely spring haze was over the trees as one can see through the huge windows looking over the view to the back of the community center.

View through the Community Center windows at an early spring day

Our hosts, John and Marian Witiak, provided an Easter theme and were assisted by our good friend Nancy who despite a shoulder injury managed to help out with the decorations.

Our speaker was the owner of Gettysburg Daylilies and Peafowl Farm where we had visited last summer. This time, he came to educate us about all the different ways that daylilies are classified according to the appearance of various parts of the flowers (petals, sepals, throats, eyes, edges). From solid colors (self) to differing colors or tones relation to other areas,  overall shapes that can veer into the unusual and bloom size. He also talked about the latest craze among fanciers who will pay hundreds of dollars for new specimens with “teeth” at the edges.  It was very enlightening!


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Hemerocallis Happy Returns by David Stand


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