CGC-April 1983

The April 6, 1983 business meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was called to order at 1 o’clock in the Shriver-Weybright Auditorium. The February and March minutes were read and approved as corrected. Treasurer Barbara Peck reported the balance in the checking account of $1288.73. Balance in the savings account of $1671.42.
Under Old Business, Della Oakley, the Hospitality Chairman thanked the hostesses of the day: Helen Thomas, Juanita Adams and Della Oakley. She also expressed her appreciation to those hostesses serving last month at the Sunny O’Neill Program.  These were Allene Schnably, Chair Carolyn Scott, Lois Sebastian, Bertha Sackett, Margaret Seitz, Mary Sobsk, Mary Richardson, Verona Struck and Betty Sturdivant.

Announcement was made of a lunch to be held June 8th at the home of Mary Ellen Bay.
Dot Bockhoven, Program Chairman, announced a bus trip to the National Arboretum and Behnke’s Nursery for Wednesday, May 4th.

Margaret Fisher and Carmen Blosveren attended the District Federated Garden Club meeting. Four members of our club attended the Md. State Federation meeting at the Baltimore Hilton. These were Mary Ellen Bay, Marta Bowes, Carmen Blosveren and Sharon Johnson. The Carroll Garden Club received Honorable Mention on our Yearbook. President Bay accepted the award for the club.

Barbara Peck, Treasurer, announced that we must pay $.30 state tax on each cookbook we sell.

A tablecloth problem was brought to our attention by Hospitality Chairman, Della Oakley. This is “tabled” until the June meeting.

Under New Business– Sharon Johnson announced Historical House Garden clean up days as Wednesday 13th (rain date April 14th) and Monday, May 2nd. The time is 9 a.m. Members are to bring rakes and weeding tools.

For those who might wish to purchase them, Sharon Johnson described pin holders, $11.00 for large and $7.00 for small.

The set up date for the Flower Show is Sunday, April 24th, 2 p.m. at Lura Griswold’s.

Sharon Johnson announced the slate of officers for the 1983-1985 term:
President –Carolyn Scott
1st Vice President–Juanita Adams
2nd Vice President–Barbara Peck
Recording Secretary–Verona Stauch
Treasurer– Ruth O’Brien
Corresponding Secretary–Marta Bowes
There will be a written ballot in May to vote on these candidates.

The committee for the 1983-84 Budget is Sharon Johnson, Mary Ellen Bay and Barbara Peck.
Carmen Blosveren, Membership Chairman, read letters proposing two new members–Mrs. J.A. Dawson (Lou) and Mrs. Jeffrey Yingling (Martha).

President Bay announced the co-chairmen of the Program Committee for the next two years–Dee Roush and Jane Bennett. She urged members to make any suggestions to them soon.

The club has been asked to decorate four Victorian Period rooms in the Farm Museum the first week in December. We were also asked to make the decorations for the Arts Council Victorian Ball the same week. We have a standing agreement to make Christmas decorations for the Historical Society in December. After some discussion, Muff Kable moved,, Thelma Hartzler seconded, that we decorate the four rooms of the Farm Museum. Motion carried. Sharon Johnson moved, Lois Sebastian seconded, that we decorate for the Victorian Ball. Motion carried.


Marta Bowes, Recording Secretary.


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