CGC April 1939

THe April meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held in Uniontown on Wednesday, April 5th at the home of Mrs. Alfred Zollickhoffer.

At two o’clock, the President, Mrs Stauffer, called the meeting to order. After the singing of “This Is my Father’s World”, the roll was called. The responses, as usual, being very interesting.

The minutes of the March meeting were read and adopted.

There being no further old business, the proposed trip to Hampstead was discussed, the members to be informed alter in the month as to the details worked out by the committee in charge. This concluded the business session.

A guessing game of Trees was enjoyed for a few minutes while waiting for the speaker of the afternoon.

Mr. Stoner of Westminster, the speaker, used as his subject Evergreens for Landscaping and Foundation Planting. This covered a wide range as any plant material may be used in a landscaping job. We were told about the use of Hemlock and Yew. They like the shade but will tolerate the sun. When doing a landscape job the planter must take into consideration the growth the plants will make in five years time, especially as a foundation planting.

Evergreens must be pruned for shape and compactness. Every other year is enough for the home grounds. Evergreens should be branched from the ground to be really beautiful.

Mr. Stoner told of the free testing of soil by the experts at College Park– take at cross sections of your garden when you send your sample. State what you want it tested for and acid conditions and lime, etc.

We were shown a cedar branch bearing a cedar apple. This should be removed from the tree and destroyed as it is the spores from this apple which cause the rust on fruit trees.

Specimens were handed around of the various evergreens used in foundation planting.

The two most common enemies of the evergreen are red spider and scale. Bag worms must also be watched for and destroyed. Flushing with the garden hose is a help but not a complete cure for red spider.

At the close of Mr. Stoner’s very interesting and instructive talk, the club was adjourned.

Mrs. Zollickhoffer then served delicious refreshments. THe guests of the afternoon were Mrs. Sprenkle–Wayneboro, Pennsyvania, Mrs Cookson–Uniontown, Mrs. Frank Shriner–Frederick, Maryland and Mrs. Bechtold–Michigan.

Mrs. L.E. Stauffer, President

Miss Marie Senseny, Secretary

Marion Buckey, Secretary Pro-Tem.


“Apple” = Cedar Apple Rust body


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