CGC April 1938

The April meeting of the Carroll Garden Club with Mrs. Edgar Barnes was opened by Mrs. Zollickoffer reading a spring poem.

The response to Roll Call was something pertaining to wildflowers.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

As the May meeting was to include a tour to visit gardens, Mrs. Stauffer called on Mrs. Myers Englar chairman of the tour committee for the plan of the trip. She was undecided as to whether it should be Raftimine or local gardens and asked the club’s opinion which was to visit the gardens of New Windsor and Westminster.

A report of the committee for arrangements relative to the flower show to be held May 28th was then given.

A pretty Easter breakfast table was prepared by Mrs. Preston Myers. The decorated eggs were very pretty. She explained how they had been treated.

Mrs. Buckey showed a beautiful arrangement of Jonquils and ivy in a holder of medium height.

Music being the subject of the month, Miss Edna Fuss had charge of the program which included a duet by Miss Marianna Snader and Mrs. Charles Hesson. Several vocal solos [were performed] by both Mrs. Thompson and Miss Melba Messler [and] several piano solos by Miss Doris Haines, all of which were beautifully rendered. One little lady, Miss Marion Boyd, gave a piano selection.

For recreation, Mrs. Speicher presented ten pictures each suggesting the name of a familiar song to be guessed. Mrs. Stauffer having the greatest number correct received the prize.

After enjoying the lovely refreshments served by the hostess, the club adjourned.


President Mrs. L.E. Stauffer

Secretary Anna Wolfe



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