CGC: April 1937

The April meeting of the Carroll Garden Club  at Mrs. L.E. Stauffer’s was opened by Mrs. Chas. Hesson reading an April poem.

The Vice President, Miss Edna Fuss had charge of the meeting.

Roll Call was answered by each giving a suggestion relative for plans for carrying out the flower show to be given shortly and of which Mrs. Harry Fogle is chairman and Mrs. Chas. Hesson secretary. Then followed a general discussion of the subject.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Barnes proposed inviting the new members to fill vacancies left by Mrs. Meredith and Mrs. Earle Shriner, the names to be given and voted on at next meeting.

Mrs. David Snader and Mrs. Alfred Zollickhoffer were named to prepare next month’s program.

The program given as follows:

  1. A reading given by Mrs. Lewis Messler describing the daisy. It originated from a chrysanthemum and has universal appeal not only in U.S. but in  England and Japan as well.The popularity of the daisy-chain continues in school yet today.
  2. Mrs. Harry Fogle gave a history  of our illustrious sculptor William Reinhart and as his noted works were described Miss Dorothy Zumbrum passed about pictures of each.
  3. The Misses Zumbrum with ingenious questions, the answer to which was a flower, provided good entertainment and fun.
  4. They also had members sketch a bed with a dark (Illeg) and nothing over him which puzzled many of us, the results being amusing. *
  5. Mrs. Wm. McKinstry told how to prepare ahead for the flower show.
  6. Mrs. David Snader gave the Garden Facts telling what should be done at this time.

After delicious refreshments served by the hostess, the club adjourned to meet in May at Mrs. Wm. McKinstry’s.

Miss Edna Fuss, Pres. Pro Tem

Miss Anna Wolfe, Sec.

*(the mind boggles…no idea)

Child Braiding a Crown by William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1874


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