I was listening to our Birds and Butterfly chair discussing with another person that she had not seen any Buckeyes this year. I wasn’t sure what a Buckeye looked like, but knew it wasn’t among those pictures I recently uploaded. I try to take pictures of any butterfly, moth, bird or pollinator that lands on my plantings to record what it attracts. Going back through my photo files I noted a number of butterflies that I had not seen this year, but which I *had* taken pictures of previously but not identified. The Internet has a lot of resources for identifying butterflies by wing shape and predominant color, so I am attempting to name what I saw (hopefully accurately!) The following gallery contains some species that I have not seen this year, but recorded as present in previous years.
- Great Spangled Fritillary on pink butterfly bush
- A Buckeye on blue Ageratum (Flossflower)
- Variegated Fritillary on aster
- Variegated Fritillary on Rudbeckia hirta
- A Pearl Cresecnt