Get your horticulture ready and your “Designing Woman” on!
Information about time critical news affecting CGC members
Michael Judd will be speaking about permaculture, weed-free gardening and mushroom growing.
Welcome to the web-blog of Carroll Garden Club! You’ll find information about us, our club programs and activities in the community plus helpful articles about gardening in Carroll County. As part of the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, our interests…
About the Site What is the purpose? There are two motivations behind creation of this website. One, is to attract new members, gain good publicity and create an on-going dialog with the public reader of the blog. Second, we want…
In the Members Only section of the website, there is a category called EVENTS in the menu. “EVENTS” includes normally scheduled monthly meetings, invitations from other clubs to attend something, District V and State of MD meetings plus field trips. …
I intend to collect ideas for committees, workshops and projects to put under “Resources” in the Members Only Menu. (Others can add to this by adding new posts to the Resources category.) Also note a menu called Resource Documents which…