Carroll Gardens Bulb Planting Results

For the past two years, our October bulb planting has taken place along Route 140. In 2013, it was on a site across from Baughers, fairly near their access road. In 2014, it was slightly further up the road. To date, w have planted over 36,000 bulbs along our roads in Carroll County.

As I returned from Taneytown, I stopped last week to see what kind of progress the daffodils were making since 2013 and took these pictures.

Here’s the variety–possibly “Dutch Master“. These were nice big bulbs provided by the Highway Department.

The daffodils we planted

This is the 2014 planting. They are just coming along. Since the planting holes are wide apart, it will take time for the daffodils to fill in. However, the bulbs will have offsets quickly.

Daff planting results in April

Here’s the 2013 planting facing toward Westminster near Baugher’s which has many more bulbs growing from the original planting two years ago. Not bad!

Are planted by Baughers in 2013


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