Back in Time – CGC in 1958

Minutes (paraphrased by editor)

February 5,  1958

Carroll Garden Club met at the Carroll County Historical House*; twenty eight members were present. They had $244.89 in their account to work with.

The Roadside Chairman, Mrs. W. Glenn Speicher asked that members individually write to the State Senator supporting the bill of NO BILLBOARDS on the limited access highway entrances.

Mrs. Leeds Billingslea, Flower Show Chairman announced a show would be held April 24th at the St. Paul’s United Church of Christ Parish House in Westminster. Theschedule for “Spring Comes to Carroll County” was read aloud.

Mrs. R.L. Sebastian discussed in detail the horticultural past of the Flower Show. All classes but one are daffodils. The other was “Flowering Shrubs”. She discussed at length the classification of daffodils.  She also covered the point scoring of daffodils: condition, form, substance, color, poise, stem and size.

Mrs. Buchey and the committee had on display fine table arrangements and settings, each beautifully done.

The club would hold a Rummage Sale March 21-22nd at the Western Maryland Railway Station in Westminster, proceeds going to a hospital fund.

A Teacher Conservation Workshop would be held at University of MD, College Park.

The meeting adjourned at 4 p.m.

Betty Donofrio was the recording secretary.


*Carroll Garden Club used to meet at the Historical Society House and decorated Shellman for holidays. Our club designed a civic garden in neo-Colonial style on the Sycamore St. back lot of Shellman in 1955.

 CGC Meeting site for years

CGC Meeting site for years

The featured image on the main page is of St. Paul’s Church on Bond and Green Streets where the Flowers Show would be held in the parsonage.


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