Documenting the summer winged visitors to Meadowbrook
Suggested by one member and enthusiastically greeted by others, the concept is to help each other with our garden chores or landscape design issues. Or maybe we want to build a bird sanctuary or butterfly garden. We all have a…
This gallery contains 7 photos →
New President’s Meeting- Jotted Notes Jackie Handley-Federated Garden Clubs of America 23 Clubs, 823 members since January The newest club is Longfellow. Kathie Smith is the state horticultural chair. Has hort ideas for the year. Look on the state website.…
I intend to collect ideas for committees, workshops and projects to put under “Resources” in the Members Only Menu. (Others can add to this by adding new posts to the Resources category.) Also note a menu called Resource Documents which…
District V Semi-Annual Meeting Thursday, October 3, 2013 Holly Hills Country Club 10:30 AM Our program is entitled “Make It Magical” with floral designer Frances Thrash. Frances is an FTD master Designer, NGC Design Instructor, and NGC Master Judge with…
I discovered Sue McCartney Snape while toodling about online looking for artwork. Her pictures are hilarious. “Sue Macartney-Snape is the award winning artist and illustrator of the ‘Social Stereotypes’ column in the Saturday Telegraph. This summer, she depicts the eccentric…
It was suggested at the board meeting that we have a page with everyone’s picture on it so that we and anyone who joins the club this year can put face to name. I can build a photo gallery and…