When looking for a grand shade tree, the advice has usually been to choose a hardy, slow growing tree that will develop strong branching and provide a legacy for the future.
The Beautiful Garden Committee has sent 8 certificates to homeowners in the county so far this summer and continues to be on the lookout for more attractive front gardens. The locations, to date, have been in Westminster, Taneytown, Finksburg, and…
I was asked by a few people for the recipes I used for some of the things I had made as hostess that day and I’ll submit them below. I’d like to encourage CGC meeting and summer hostesses to post…
You’ve arrived at the Public Home Page for Carroll Garden Club. Congratulations! To subscribe, look to the Sidebars (the area outside the content section) at the right. You will see two vertical columns filled with information like the Weather &…
Welcome to the web-blog of Carroll Garden Club! You’ll find information about us, our club programs and activities in the community plus helpful articles about gardening in Carroll County. As part of the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, our interests…