April Minutes 1966

The regular meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held April 6, 1966 at the home of Mrs. Russell Law with Mrs. W. Glenn Speicher, President, presiding.

Miss Liza Carpenter of Silver Fancy Garden Club was a guest.

Mr. Herring of the Kiwanis Club gave a talk on the Cranberry Park project.*

Mrs. Oliver Ladew spoke on growing and showing chrysanthemums.

Minutes were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported a balance of $960.

Mrs. Kable was appointed as chairman to arrange a committee to change the by-laws.

It was suggested the Garden Club should buy a new Handbook.

Mrs. Edgar Barnes, Civic Improvement Chairman, reported she sent a chart and answered all questions on our entry in Sears Contest.**

Mrs. Richardson, Jr. Garden Club Chairman, told that the Juniors will have a show at Cylburn April 22nd and 23rd. The show will be in the form of a circus.

Mrs. Sackett reported the garden has been raked and cleaned.

Mrs. Billingslea reported we had received a commendation for our placement show at Mrs. Philipys.

Mrs. Harlow reminded us the Garden Pilgrimage is April 28 to May 8th.

Mrs. Fitz made a report on the State Federation Meeting. There were 4 national awards in Maryland.

There will be no State Flower Show in 1966. She explained about the new Creativity Award.*** Exhibits are made from dried painted wire metal but must have some fresh material. There must be 3 classes of exhibits.

Each chairman is asked to bring a written report to the June meeting. We will have a plant exchange in June.

Mrs. Liggon suggested we have a workshop on programming flower shows.

Mrs. Talley read the Horticulture Classes for District V Fall Show Sept. 21st.

The following names were proposed to be voted at the May meeting:

  • Mrs. W. Glenn Speicher, President
  • Mrs. Herbert Liggon Jr., 1st VP
  • Mrs. Earl Griswold, 2nd VP
  • Mrs. Byron Hartzler, Treas.
  • Mrs. Joseph Shirely, Rec. Sec.
  • Mrs. Goerge Bingham Jr., Corr. Sec.

Respectfully submitted,

Mrs. J.W. (Elizabeth) Shirley

*Cranberry Park, located along Lucabaugh Mill Rd, laying between it and Old Manchester Rd.

**In the 1960’s, Sears Foundation was offering cash prizes ($1000) for the advancement of community improvement/ beautification projects geared as a project to aid smaller towns through the leadership of local garden clubs.

***Creative Designs

Developed in the mid 20th century, creative floral design refers to designs in which creativity,imagination, and originality are basic. Traditional rules and patterns do not apply. The arranger creates new concepts and forms

by borrowing from different styles and/or periods. Arrangements are not a copy of a design previously created,
but rather an expression of the individual designer. The relationship between form and space plays a
major role in creative arrangements.
Characteristics of Creative Designs:
  • Creative designs have few rules and no set patterns.
  • Plant material may be used only for its inherent design qualities.
  • Bold in form, size and use of color.
  • Strong contrast in colors, plant materials
  • Restrained use of plant material and components.
  • May have more than one focal point and more than one point of emergence, but clarity of design paramount.
  • May have some abstraction.
  • Little transitional material.
  • Asymmetrical balance is emphasized.
  • Rhythm may be irregular and unpredictable.
  • Tension between elements creates impact.
  • Any part of the design may be dominant.





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