April 2018 Designer’s Guild

The Designer’s Guild, held monthly at the Mt. Airy Senior Center by instructor Marilyn Potter covered the new CASCADE DESIGN in April.


Cascade Design

A design with emphasis on a downward rhythmic movement

1.The downward lines may be curved, straight, zigzag, interrupted, or may be a combination.

2. The design is supported by a container or other device.
3. A minimum of components may extend upward.
▪ The design may be creative or traditional.
▪ The design may have one or more lines that continue to the downward rhythmic movement.
▪ The emphasis is on downward line/lines greater than 90 degrees.
▪ The line/lines may consist of plant material or man-made components that are greater in proportion in the overall design.
▪ Downward movement may be achieved by inverting plant material, upside-down placement, by using plant material that has a cascade or trailing effect, by placement of like components from larger to smaller, or concentrated areas to less concentrated areas.

(from a New Design Type, 2017 HB, p. 73, VII., B)

Click to enlarge pix.

Some of the guild participants have been attending long enough to have friendly camaraderie and to offer advice and  freely share plant materials.

It’s interesting to see the group working through their design ideas over the course of the class.

Here are the final  Cascade designs submitted for analysis. Some were adjusted after the photos were taken.




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