April 1965

The April Meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held at the Historical House and Mrs. Leeds Billingslea, 2nd Vice-President presided.

Following the call to order the Secretary’s minutes were read and approved and the Treasurer reported a balance of $415.86 on April 1st.

The Chairman’s reports were called for next. Mrs. Talley, Horticulture Chairman, gave details for the Landon Azalea Gardens Tour by bus for the members. The bus will leave Westminster Monday, May 3rd at 8:30 and the trip will include a visit to the National Arboretum.

Mrs. Richardson, Chairman of the Juniors, spoke abut their program and the fact there are 7 Clubs with Juniors in District V while most of the other Districts have 5.

The motion was made by Mrs. Earhart seconded by Mrs. Hughes and agreed to unanimously by the members that the Corresponding Secretary write Mrs. Mabel Englar that her decorating her doorway on special occasions makes Main Street more attractive and interesting.

Mrs. Shirley, Ways and Means Chairman, announced there will be an Avante Garde Fashion Show at the Methodist Church Social Hall on Thursday, May 25th at 1:00. Dessert and Coffee will be served. Tickets are $1.00.

The Mount Airy Garden Club offers a tour of Long Meadow as a money making project. The date is May 20th with the 27th as a rain date. Guides may be obtained at the Calvary Methodist Church, Mount Airy at 1 PM. It is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay  near Woodbine.

May 12th will be the Annual Flower Arrangement contest at Beggs. No one volunteered to make an arrangement representing the Club.

No hostesses volunteered to represent us at the Daffodil Show held at the Baltimore Museum of Art.

It was decided that since we are already over in this year’s budget it would not be possible to make a donation at Cylburn. This motion was made by Mrs. Peck and seconded by Mrs. Earhart and agreed to unanimously by the members.

Mrs. Hughes made the motion seconded by Mrs. Flynn that the Carroll Garden Club make a Carroll Garden Club Survey of Westminster for the preservation of buildings. This vote resulted in a tie and this was broken by the presiding officer who voted against the survey.

A check for $12 was received from Westminster Women’s Club for the purchase of a berried shrub to be placed in the garden.

Our World Gardening check is to be used by Cornell Laboratory in Monrovia, Liberia for new diseases.

The Nominating Committee–Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Talley and Mrs, Hollinger presented the following slte to be voted on at the May meeting:

  • President – Mrs. W.G. Speicher
  • 1st Vice President – Mrs. A. Peck
  • 2nd Vice President – Mrs. E. Griswold
  • Recording Secretary – Mrs. J. Shirley, Jr.
  • Corresponding Secretary – Mrs. G.H. Bingham, Jr.
  • Treasurer – Mrs. B. Hartzler

At an Executive meeting preceding the monthly Club meeting the following recommendations were made:

  1. Mrs. Wash recommended that Article III Section LI be suspended for one month to enable the Carroll Garden Club to invite further prospective members, the names to be given to the Membership Chairman by April 25th and these prospective members to be voted on by the Club at the May meeting. This was seconded by Mrs. Talley.
  2. Mrs. Shirley recommended, seconded by Mrs. Allender that Mrs. Frank Elliot be given associate membership until May 1, 1966.

First recommendation was accepted unanimously by the club members. The second recommendation was accepted.

Following the above business, the program was given by Club members.

  • Mrs. Earhart spoke on Propagating.
  • Mrs. Hughes–House Plants
  • Mrs. Sebastian–Soil
  • Mrs, Speicher–Horticulture Hints
  • Mrs. Talley–Grooming for Shows

At the conclusion of the program the meeting was adjourned with the reminder to members to bring a sandwich to Mrs, Sackett’s home for the May Workshop on Flower Arranging.

Betty Speicher, Recording Secretary


Editor’s notes: The Landon School in Bethesda is the site of the Perkins Memorial Garden and the Azalea Garden Festival held yearly in May:    Perkins Memorial Garden

A citizen was lauded for public spirit using decoration skills for her tiny E. Main St. porch:

Mrs. Englar's place on E. Main




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