April 1964

Mrs. Thomas Hughes entertained the Carroll Garden Club members at their April meeting when she opened her lovely home for the meeting place.

Following the opening of the meeting by the President, Mrs. John Fitz, the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.

Mrs. Kable, the Treasurer, reported a balance on hand of $ 364.98.

Mrs. Curd urged the members to write their Congressmen and Senators to endorse the preservation of Assateague Island* as a National Seashore.

Mrs. Talley gave final suggestions concerning the bus trip to the Beltsville Experimental Station* and the National Arboretum* on April 2nd. The bus leaves the parking lot in Westminster at 6 AM.

It as moved and seconded that the Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Shirley, write Mr. Hoff that the Garden Club wishes to officially acknowledge only one millstone instead of two referred to in his letter concerning his gift.

Mrs. Earhart reported she still had Tour Bells available while Mrs. Cash requested volunteer drivers for the Carroll County Tour Day of the annual House and Garden Tour.

Mrs. Keppel made the motion seconded by Mrs. Cash that the program for the May and June meeting be revised. The May meeting to be held at the home of the President, Mrs. Fitz as a business meeting while the projected tour of some members’ gardens be held in June preceding the picnic at the home of Program Chairman, Mrs. Hubbard.

Mrs. Weersing, Membership Chairman, reported there have been no names of prospective members submitted.

Mrs. W.G. Speicher, Landscape Design Chairman, reported on the meeting with the Retail Merchants attended by Mrs. Fitz and herself. This is to be followed by a meeting with the Westminster Chamber of Commerce and is to concern itself with the suggestions for beautification of the town, Main Street in particular.

The last Wednesday in the month has been set as clean up day in the garden project of the Club.

Mrs. Peck reported on the College Spring Carnival that is to be held in Gill Gymnasium at the College on Saturday, April 18th. Mr. Peck’s committee are the following: Mrs. Kable, Mrs. Fitz, Mrs. Griswold, Mrs. Hahn, Mrs. Spangler, and Mrs. Glenn Speicher.

Mrs, Cash reported the following slate of nominees for the 1964-65 Officers:

Mrs. John Fitz–President

Mrs. H. Sturdivant–1st V. President

Mrs. L. Billingslea–2nd V. President

Mrs. Glenn Speicher–Recording Secretary

Mrs. J. Shirely–Corresponding Secretary

Mrs. C.H. Kable–Treasurer

This will be acted on at the next meeting.

Following the announcement of the District meeting on May 5th and other correspondence which needed no action, the Program Chairman, Mrs. Hubbard, introduced the speaker, Mr. Wilbur Youngman* who spoke on “Planting for Continuous Bloom” and ho answered many questions the gardeners present asked.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Betty Speicher, Rec. Sec’y

(Mrs. W.G.)


*****Ed. Notes:******

Wilbur H. Youngman was an Agriculture Department seeds specialist and garden editor of the Washington Star newspaper 1938-1976. He was the Author of Star garden books, first issued in 1944. One of his books is our featured image.

Assateague Island National Seashore was established in 1965. Brochures described it as the largest undeveloped seashore between Cape Cod and Cape Island Hatteras.

Beltsville Experimental Station, now known as Beltsville Facility, is located in Prince George’s County on 287 acres owned by the USDA. It is used for crop related research and Extension projects. Current projects are small grain variety improvement, cover crops applications, herbicide, fungicide and fertilizer and pest management.

The National Arboretum was established in  Northeast Washington DC in 1927 under the USDA administration. It has 446 acres with 9.5 miles of winding roadways. Mission: To enhance the economic, environmental, and aesthetic value of ornamental and landscape plants through long-term, multi-disciplinary research, conservation of genetic resources, and interpretative gardens and exhibits.

Birdeye View of National Arboretum

Birdeye View of National Arboretum


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