April 1962

“Brookside”, home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller Richardson, was the setting for our regular April meeting of the C.G. Club. Mrs. Cash presided.

Our program committee presented Mr. Stuart Young and Mr. Landon C. Burns from our local county agent office. Mr. Young was our speaker. He illustrated his lecture on different types of pruning and then we toured Brookside and Mr. Young gave an excellent demonstration of the pruning of shrubs, evergreens, trees and vines.

After the demonstration, coffee was served in the Garden House and Mrs. Cash conducted our business meeting.

The Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted with a balance of $180.09.

Mrs. Talley discussed the flower arranging classes to be held each Thursday in May with morning and afternoon classes.  This is our only Ways and Means project for the year and members were asked to cooperate.

Mrs. Shirley, Flower Show Chairman, announced that the Silver Fancy Garden Club would have a flower show with us in the fall of 1962.

Mrs. Feeser, Chair of Garden Pilgrimage, announced the Spring Garden Tours.

The nominating committee presented the following slate of officers:

  • Pres.— Mrs. Truman Cash
  • 1st V.P.— Mrs. John Fitz
  • 2nd V.P. — Mrs. H.P. Sturdivant
  • Treasurer — Mrs. Walter Speicher
  • Corresp. Sec. — Mrs. L. Earl Griswold
  • Rec. Sec. — Mrs. Arthur Peck

Mrs. Cash announced that as Pres. of the CGC she had been invited to attend each month and be a member of the Consumer’s Advisory Council at the Hecht Co. at Reisterstown Plaza shopping center.

The club approved the recommendations of the Exec. Committee that the club give the Juniors $10.00 a year with the amount to be reserved yearly by the Budget Committee.

The club approved the Budget for the year 1961-62.

A letter was read from Mrs.Crawmer thanking members who had participated in her classes for her Bon Voyage gift.

A letter was read from Mrs. L.C. Burns stated that his office was not prepared to test soil but hoped that could help us in the future.

A letter was read from Mayor Mathias thanking us for our interest and said that the trees around City Hall had been examined by the State Forester and they would be treated in the early spring.

Mrs. Philipy, Bird Chairman, showed bird feeders she had made for retarded children to assemble.

Mrs. Weersing gave a brief report on the National Gardener.

Mrs. Curd announced the Jr. Flower Show to be held on Saturday, April 28th.

Mrs. Cash announced the District Flower Show on April 24th


Here is a picture of “Brookside” also known as “Wakefield Manor” . Something about this reminds me of our Lura Griswold’s fine house.

Brookside aka Wakefield Manor

Brookside aka Wakefield Manor



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