Announcement: District V Semi-Annual Meeting, October 3

District V
Semi-Annual Meeting
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Holly Hills Country Club
10:30 AM

Our program is entitled “Make It Magical” with floral designer Frances Thrash. Frances is an FTD master Designer, NGC Design Instructor, and NGC Master Judge with more than 40 years experience. She is a very fun and entertaining gal and will be making designs to use in the home for fall and end of year celebrations. We shall be raffling off these Magical designs, so be sure to come prepared!

To carry out this theme, we are asking each club to bring a Magical centerpiece for the tables. We look forward to seeing what imaginative creations our club members can come up with. We are going to do “Make and Take”, which means you can bring one, and if you want to take one home, leave a “gift” of $15 on the table.

Details of the luncheon, the price and the directions to Holly Hills will follow very soon.


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