A Place to Visit in the Dead of Winter

Marjorie recommends a visit to the Mormon Temple in Kensington if you desire an outing in the winter–and of course at other times of the year.

According to Wickipedia, this is the tallest temple ( 288 foot spire) of the LDS, dedicated in 1974 and the first to be built east of the Mississippi since 1846, prior to the great Mormon Migration to Salt Lake City. Faced with white Alabama marble, it emulates the six spire temple at Salt Lake, covers 160,000 sq. ft and cost about $15 million.

There is an annual Christmas show on the grounds and temple with over 450,000 lights. Different local musical groups are scheduled to perform live concerts nightly during the season. It is free to attend.

Although the temple itself, considered a sacred space to the Mormon faith, is closed to the general public, the visitor’s center and the 52 acre grounds are open to explore the flower gardens and specimen trees.

The temple was always a landmark, lit up at night, to those of us living in the metro area.  (And, my husband recalls sledding on the hilltop where the temple is located.)

Here are three pictures courtesy of Marjorie.


Here is an example of just one room in the temple. The Celestial Room is only available to view via photo. Mormons in good standing are allowed access to temple rooms.

The celestial room symbolizes the exalted and peaceful state that all may achieve through living the gospel of Jesus Christ. This room represents the contentment, inner harmony, and peace available to eternal families in the presence of Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Celestial Room in LDS Temple

Celestial Room



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