“Connie’s garden is a shady corner lot on a dry ridge “in town”. Several mature trees and shrubs were already beautiful when she acquired the house 18 years ago. Since then, most foundation plantings have been replaced with perennial borders. Initially an experimental garden (try everything and see if it grows), it is slowly evolving into something that begins to indicate a plan. The front lawn is shrinking as shade ground covers and forest floor plants are added; part of the back is becoming a wildflower meadow. Connie tries to plant natives and is having a tough time eradicating the non-native invasives.”
- Connie begins her tour talk
- Refreshment table setting
- Street side bed with crocosmia
- Shade loving plants
- Daylilies in the side yard
- THrough the hostas
- We called these “plantain lilies”.
- Pastel hydrangeas
- Splainin’ to Carol
- Must be something about a tree
- Chestnut tree bloom
- Connie’s Baywise garden
- Under the cherry tree
- Variegated hydrangea
- A gathering of members