Category: Community Blog

For all posts of an educational, informational nature that can be viewed by the reading public.

Cicada: The Aftermath

Back in early Spring we were deluged with all manner of news reports concerning the emergence of Cicada Brood II, one of the periodic cicadas that emerge in 17 or 13 year cycles.


Strange Things to See

An article by Joan Epler for Master Gardener The two fungi in this picture are growing on mulch in my garden, The one that resembles a penis is commonly called stink horn mushroom and belongs appropriately to the fungal order…


Joan Epler: Article to Carroll County Times

Some Carroll County residents have been getting a surprise in their mailboxes this summer:  a certificate proclaiming that their front yard is a beautiful place to see. The Carroll Garden Club, which meets in Union Bridge and welcomes new members,…


Fermented Pickles

Baskets and baskets of cucumbers plus a ceramic top hand-me-down stove meant no hot water canning of pickles this year. I read that canning on these types of stoves is not recommended. So,  Mrs. Wages Refrigerator Pickles (sweet, bread and…
